
The spezial feature of the Ritten (Renon)

Not only from the Rittener Horn, but from nearly every hiking trail on the Ritten there is a tremendous sight to the dolomites, Unesco Natural World Heritage.
The nature of the trails is so varied in shape and form that they fulfill every demand, such as the sportive ones striving for the top, the contemplative elderly people and families with children of all ages.

The mountain ridge Ritten is a sunny plateau where the sun shines from dust till dawn, to the enjoyment of our guests. Here was the origin of the “Sommerfrische” (summer retreat) created by the rich inhabitants of Bozen (Bolzano) based on the freshness of the air in contrast to the sticky closeness in the valley of Bozen, where people could only sweat like a pig.

A further enjoyable specific characteristic of the Ritten is its amiable breed of humans. The natives (96% German speaking) are hospitable, unassuming, helpfully and live in close touch with the nature. The landscape is well-kept, all-around you see flowers, in the gardens, on balconies and Christian wayside shrines. Animals are kept welfare oriented and are beloved. You face cows, horses (mostly Haflinger), sheep, goats, even llamas and alpacas and of course hens, dogs and cats, all living in harmony with one another.

They like religious festivals with processions, village festivals with folksy music, costumes and cheerful atmosphere together with a good typical meal of lovingly nurtured and harvested products and local wine. Everybody is welcome and feels himself affiliated.

The Tourismus-Büro (touristic office, situated at the railway station in Oberbozen and in the centre of Klobenstein) is anxious to avoid boredom, therefore every new guest should consult it at once after arrival. They have a weekly and monthly calendar of events with information about theatre (Commende Lengstein), concerts, guided expeditions, Llama-trekking, possibility of sports like tennis, horseback riding, archery, swimming (Wolfsgruber lake) and mountain biking. In the winter ice skating, snowshoeing, skiing and tobogganing. They also offer a list of close-open times of all restaurants and snack-bars (“Buschenschenken”).

In times of bad weather the “Ritten-Card”, that every guest receives free of charge on arrival, makes accessible all of Südtirol with free usage of all public means of transport, mountain railways and even a daily up and downhill riding to the “Rittner Horn”. In addition you have free entrance into 80 museums and castles.

What else do you want? Let’s go to the Ritten!
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